MM Research, Inc.
Research, Inc. has been providing simulation software and consulting services
to the Optics industry since 1992. We specialize in analytical and numerical
analysis of physical optics problems; these include:
- Propagation
of laser beams in free space and through homogeneous media
- Interaction
of light with isotropic, birefringent, and optically active materials
- Scalar and
vector diffraction
- Reflection,
absorption, and transmission of coherent beams from multilayer structures
- Diffraction
of light from gratings and other patterned surfaces
- Ellipsometry
and polarimetry
- Optics of uniaxial
and biaxial crystals
- Optics of high-numerical-aperture
- Coherent and
incoherent imaging systems
- Electro-optical
and magneto-optical effects and sensors
- Optical microscopy
(phase-contrast, polarized-light, Nomarsky, scanning, ...)
- Electron microscopy
(Fresnel, Foucault, differential phase-contrast, ...)
- Polarization-sensing
in optical systems
- Wavefront analysis
and interferometry
- Optical disk
data storage (compact disk, digital video disk, CD-Recordable, write-once-read-many,
magneto-optical, phase-change erasable, ...)
- Thermal aspects
of laser beam interaction with matter
- Photodetection
and noise analysis (shot noise, thermal noise, avalanche noise, ...)
Research, Inc. strives to bring the latest developments in the fields
of physical optics and numerical analysis to bear on the work of engineers/scientists
involved in industrial/academic research and development. Our software
packages have helped many students of optics and designers of optical
systems to understand, analyze, and optimize diverse optical systems.
is developed by Professor M. Mansuripur of the Optical Sciences Center,
University of Arizona. Details of the numerical and analytical techniques
used in this program as well as several application examples may be found
in the following publications.
- M. Mansuripur,
Classical Optics and its Applications, Cambridge University
Press, United Kingdom, 2002.
- M. Mansuripur,
The Physical Principles of Magneto-optical Recording, Cambridge
University Press, London, 1995.
- M. Mansuripur,
"Certain Computational Aspects of Vector Diffraction Problems", Journal
of the Optical Society of America A, Vol.6, No.5, 786-805 (1989).
See also erratum, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, Vol.10, No.2, 382-383
- M. Mansuripur,
"Distribution of Light at and Near the Focus of High Numerical Aperture
Objectives", Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Vol.3,
No.12, 2086-2093 (1986). See also erratum, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A,
Vol. 10, 382-383 (1993).
- M. Mansuripur,
"Analysis of multilayer thin film structures containing magneto-optic
and anisotropic media at oblique incidence using 2 ´ 2 matrices,"
J. Appl. Phys. 67, 6466-6475 (1990).
- M. Mansuripur,
"Analysis of Astigmatic Focusing and Push-Pull Tracking Error Signals
in Magneto-Optical Disk Systems", Applied Optics 26, No.18,
3981-3986 (1987).
- M. Mansuripur
and C. Pons, "Diffraction Modeling of Optical Path for Magneto-Optical
Disk Systems", Proceedings of SPIE, Vol.899, 56-60 (1988).
- . M. Mansuripur,
"Computer Modeling of Optical Storage Media and Systems", Proceedings
of SPIE, Vol.1316, 70-80 (1990).
- M. Mansuripur,
"Effects of High-Numerical-Aperture Focusing on the State of Polarization
in Optical and Magneto-Optic Data Storage Systems," Applied Optics,
Vol.30, No.22, 3154-3162 (1991).
- J.S. Hartman,
M.A. Lind, and M. Mansuripur, "Read Channel Optical Modeling for a
Bump Forming Dye-Polymer Optical Data Storage Medium", Proceedings
of SPIE, Vol. 1078, 308-323 (1989).
- B.E. Bernacki
and M. Mansuripur, "Investigation of substrate birefringence effects
on optical-disk performance", Applied Optics 32, 6547-6555
- B.E. Bernacki
and M. Mansuripur, "Causes of focus error feedthrough in optical disk
systems: astigmatic and obscuration methods," Applied Optics
33, 735-743 (1994).
- S. Sugaya and
M. Mansuripur, "Effects of substrate birefringence on focusing and
tracking servo signals in magneto-optical disk data storage," Applied
Optics 33, 5073-5079 (1994).
- S. Sugaya and
M. Mansuripur, "Effect of tilted ellipsoid of birefringence on readout
signal in magneto-optical disk data storage," Applied Optics
33, 5999-6008 (1994).
- R.E. Gerber
and M. Mansuripur, "Effects of substrate birefringence and tilt on
the irradiance and phase patterns of the return beam in magnetooptical
disk data storage," Applied Optics 34, 4780-4787 (1995).
- T.D. Goodman
and M. Mansuripur, "Optimization of groove depth for cross-talk cancellation
in the scheme of land-groove recording in magneto-optic disk systems,"
Applied Optics 35, 1107-1119 (1996).
- T.D. Goodman
and M. Mansuripur, "Subtle effects of the substrate in optical disk
data storage systems," Applied Optics 35, 6747-6753 (1996).
- R.E. Gerber
and M. Mansuripur, "Tilt correction in an optical disk system," Applied
Optics 35, 7000-7007 (1996).
- Y.C. Hsieh
and M. Mansuripur, "Image contrast in polarization microscopy of magneto-optical
disk data storage media through birefringent plastic substrates,"
Applied Optics 36, 4839-4852 (1997).
- C.L. Bartlett,
D. Kay, and M. Mansuripur, "Computer simulations of effects of disk
tilt and lens tilt on push-pull tracking error signal in an optical
disk drive," Applied Optics 36, 8467-8473 (1997).
- C. Peng, M.
Mansuripur, W.M. Kim, and S.G. Kim, "Edge detection in phase-change
optical data storage," Applied Physics Letters 71, 2088-2090
- J.H. Yoo, C.W.
Lee, D.H. Shin, C. Bartlett, K. Cheong, J.K. Erwin, and M. Mansuripur,
"Investigation of certain diffraction effects in an optical disk,"
Applied Optics 36, 9287-9295 (1997).
- M. Mansuripur,
"Vector diffraction theory of focusing in systems of high numerical
aperture," Optics & Photonics News, 72-75, March 1992.
- M. Mansuripur,
"Some Quirks of Total Internal Reflection," Optics & Photonics
News, 36-39, February 1997.
- M. Mansuripur,
"Fabry-Perot Etalons in Polarized Light," Optics & Photonics
News, 39-44, March 1997.
- M. Mansuripur,
"The Talbot Effect," Optics & Photonics News, 42-47, April
- M. Mansuripur,
"What in the World are Surface Plasmons?" Optics & Photonics
News, 50-55, May 1997.
- M. Mansuripur,
"Internal Conical Refraction," Optics & Photonics News,
43-45, June 1997.
- M. Mansuripur,
"The Ronchi Test," Optics
& Photonics News, 42-46, July 1997.
- M. Mansuripur,
"External Conical Refraction,"
Optics & Photonics News, 50-52, August 1997.
- M. Mansuripur,
"The Method of Fox and Li," Optics & Photonics News, 38-41,
September 1997.
- M. Mansuripur,
"Coherent and Incoherent Imaging," Optics & Photonics News,
40-44, October 1997.
- M. Mansuripur,
"Zernike?s Method of Phase Contrast," Optics & Photonics News,
40-43, November 1997.
- M. Mansuripur,
"Michelson?s Stellar Interferometer," Optics & Photonics News,
40-43, January 1998.
- M. Mansuripur,
"Abbe?s Sine Condition," Optics & Photonics News, 56-60,
February 1998.
- M. Mansuripur,
"Holography and Holographic Interferometry," Optics & Photonics
News, March 1998.
- M. Mansuripur
and E. M. Wright, "Self-focusing in Nonlinear Optical Media," Optics
& Photonics News, 43-47, April 1998.
- M. Mansuripur,
L. Li and Y.H. Yeh, "Scanning Optical Microscopy: parts I and II,"
Optics & Photonics News, 56-59 May 1998, and 42-45, June 1998.
- M. Mansuripur,
"Reciprocity in Classical Linear Optics," Optics & Photonics
News, 53-58, July 1998.
- M. Mansuripur,
"The Ewald-Oseen Extinction Theorem," Optics & Photonics News,
50-55, August 1998.
- M. Mansuripur,
"Evanescent Coupling: parts I and II," Optics & Photonics News,
59-62, September 1998, and 35-38, October 1998.
- M. Mansuripur,
"Polarization Microscopy," Optics & Photonics News, November
- M. Mansuripur,
Temporal Coherence in Classical Optics," Optics & Photonics
News, 44-49, January 1999.
- M. Mansuripur
and E. Wright, "Linear
Optical Vortices," Optics & Photonics News, February
- M. Mansuripur
and E. Wright,"Geometric-Optical Rays, Poyntings Vector,
and Field Momenta," Optics & Photonics News, 53-56,
March 1999.
- M. Mansuripur,
"The Shack-Hartmann
Wavefront Sensor," Optics & Photonics News, 48-51,
April 1999.
- M. Mansuripur,
"Laser Heating
of Multilayer Stacks," Optics & Photonics News, 55-60,
May 1999.
- M. Mansuripur,
"The van
Cittert-Zernike Theorem," Optics & Photonics News,
38-42, June 1999.
- M. Mansuripur,
Lifeng Li, and W. H. Yeh, "Diffraction
Gratings: Part I," Optics & Photonics News, 42-46,
July 1999.
- M. Mansuripur,
Lifeng Li, and W. H. Yeh,"Diffraction Gratings: Part II,"
Optics & Photonics News, 44-48, August 1999.
- M. Mansuripur,
Differential Interference Contrast Microscope," Optics &
Photonics News, 34-37, September 1999.
- M. Mansuripur,
"The Van
Leeuwenhoek Microscope," Optics & Photonics News,
39-42, October 1999.
- M. Mansuripur,
Faraday Effect," Optics & Photonics News, November
- M. Mansuripur,
"Partial polarization, Stokes parameters, and the Poincarè
sphere," Optics & Photonics News 11, (January 2000).
- M. Mansuripur
and R. Liang, "Projection Photolithography," Optics &
Photonics News 11, (February 2000).
- M. Mansuripur,
"Bracewell's Interferometric Telescope," Optics &
Photonics News 11, (March 2000).
- M. Mansuripur,
"Ellipsometry," Optics & Photonics News 11, (April
- M. Mansuripur,
"Fourier Optics: Parts 1 and 2," Optics & Photonics
News 11, (May, June 2000).
- M. Mansuripur,
E. M. Wright, and M. Fallahi, "The Beam Propagation Method,"
Optics & Photonics News 11, (July 2000).
- M. Mansuripur,
"The Magneto-optical Kerr Effect," Optics & Photonics
News 11, (October 2000).
- M. Mansuripur,
"Rewritable Optical Disk Technologies," Proceedings of SPIE,
Critical Technologies for the Future of Computing, Vol. 4109,
162-176 (2000).
- M. Mansuripur,
"Gaussian Beam Optics," Optics & Photonics News
12, (January 2001).
- M. Mansuripur
and E. M. Wright, "Spatial Optical Solitons," Optics
& Photonics News 12, (April 2001).
- M. Mansuripur,
"Launching light into a fiber," Optics & Photonics
News 12, 56-59 (August 2001).
- M. Mansuripur,
"Omni-directional dielectric mirrors," Optics & Photonics
News 12, 46-50 (September 2001).
- M. Mansuripur,
"The uncertainty principle in classical optics," Optics
& Photonics News 13, 44-48 (January 2002).
- M. Mansuripur,
"Doppler Shift, Stellar Aberration, and Convection of Light by
Moving Media," Optics & Photonics News 13, 52-56 (April
- M. Mansuripur
and E. M. Wright, "The Optics of Semiconductor Diode Lasers,"
Optics & Photonics News 13, 57-61 (July 2002).
- R. Liang, J.
K. Erwin, and M. Mansuripur, "Variation on Zernike's phase-contrast
microscope," Applied Optics 39, 2152-2158 (2000).
- J. Tesar, R.
Liang, and M. Mansuripur, "Optical modeling combining geometrical
ray tracing and physical-optics software," Opt. Eng. 39,
1845-1849 (2000).
- M. Mansuripur,
R. Liang, and J. Tsujiuchi, "Simulation software for optical
systems: DIFFRACT and its applications," (in Japanese),
Optical Technology Contact 38, 147-156 (2000).
- R. Liang, J.
Carriere, and M. Mansuripur, "Intensity, polarization, and phase
information in optical disk systems," Applied Optics 41,
1565-1573 (2002).
- M. Mansuripur,
A. R. Zakharian, and J. V. Moloney, "Interaction of light with
subwavelength structures," Optics & Photonics News
13, 56-61 (March 2003).
- A. R. Zakharian,
J. V. Moloney, and M. Mansuripur, "Simulating near-field effects
in high-density optical disk data storage," (invited feature
article), Computing in Science & Engineering 5, No. 6,
pp 15-21 (November/December 2003).
- M. Mansuripur,
A. R. Zakharian, and J. V. Moloney, "Transmission of Light Through
Small Elliptical Apertures, Parts 1 and 2," Optics & Photonics
News, March, April 2004.
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