DIFFRACT interferograms
showing several
third order (Seidel) aberrations of a beam.
is a powerful software package that helps you simulate coherent beams
of light as they propagate through an optical system. Many general-purpose
features of DIFFRACT enable you to analyze and study diverse optical systems.
DIFFRACT empowers you to accurately tolerance your optical design by stepping
through a set of adjustments for any part of the system and allowing you
to inspect the resulting optical patterns at various cross-sections of
the beam. Using DIFFRACT you can:
- Completely and
accurately analyze your optical system.
- Fully keep track
of polarization, inspecting the amplitude, phase, and polarization state
of the beam at various stages throughout the system.
- Tolerance your
optical system � from source to detectors � including: lasers, lenses,
mirrors, polarization optics, diffraction gratings, prisms, apertures,
phase/amplitude masks, multilayer stacks, detectors, and more.
- Study some of
the most fascinating phenomena of classical optics such as: the Talbot
effect, optics of biaxially birefringent crystals, surface plasmon excitation,
magneto-optical Faraday and Kerr effects, the principle of holography,
evanescent coupling through frustrated/attenuated total internal reflection,
self-focusing and filamentation in non-linear media, electromagnetic
confinement in resonant cavities, the phenomena of internal and external
conical refraction, the Goos-Hänchen effect, and many more.
Web site is designed to convey to the reader the strength of the program,
and to showcase some of the problems that can be addressed with DIFFRACT.
We hope that this brief introduction will excite you and encourage you
to join the growing list of our customers.

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1987-2011, MM Research, Inc.
5748 N. Camino del Conde, Tucson, Arizona 85718