articles demonstrate various
applications and utilities of DIFFRACT.
They have been recently published in
Optics & Photonics News
Ronchi Test
by M. Mansuripur:
In this centennial of Vasco Ronchi's birth it seemed appropriate to
devote one of these columns to the well-known method of testing optical
systems that he developed in the 1920's. Published in Optics &
Photonics News, 42-46, July 1997.
Conical Refraction
by M. Mansuripur:
Internal conical refraction happens when collimated beam of light,
upon entering a biaxial birefringent crystal, spreads out into a hollow
cone and exits the crystal slab in the form of two concentric cylinders
of light. The case of external conical refraction, which, in a way,
is the same phenomenon in reverse, is the subject of this article.
Published in Optics & Photonics News, 50-52, August 1997.
Faraday Effect
by M. Mansuripur:
Michael Faraday (1791-1867) was born in a village near London into
the family of a blacksmith. His family was too poor to keep him in
school and, at the age of 13, he took a job as an errand boy in a
bookshop. A year later he was apprenticed as a bookbinder for a term
of seven years. Faraday was not only binding the books but was also
reading many of them, which excited in him a burning interest in science.
Published in Optics & Photonics News, November 1999.
by M. Mansuripur and Rongguang
Liang: Photolithography
is the technology of reproducing patterns using light. Developed originally
for reproducing engravings and photographs, and later used to make
printing plates, photolithography was found ideal in the 1960s for
mass-producing integrated circuits.
Light into a Fiber
by Masud Mansuripur: A typical single-mode silica glass fiber has
a mode profile that is well approximated by a Gaussian beam. At l=1.55mm,
this Gaussian mode has a (1/e2 intensity) diameter
of ~ 10mm.
Published in Optics
& Photonics News, August 2001.
- directional Dielectric Mirrors
by Masud Mansuripur: An omni-directional dielectric mirror (also known
as a
one-dimensional photonic bandgap crystal) exhibits 100% reflectivity
at all angels of incidence and for all states of incident polarization.
Published in Optics
& Photonics News, September 2001.
Uncertainty Principle in Classical Optics
by Masud Mansuripur: In the classical electromagnetic theory the wave-vector
underlies the Fourier space of propagating (or radiative) fields.
The k-vector combines into a single entity
the wavelenth l and the unit vector s
that signifies the beam's propagation direction.
Published in Optics
& Photonics News, January 2002.
Shift, Stellar Aberration, and Convection of Light by Moving Media
by Masud Mansuripur: The characteristics of a beam of light emanating
from a source
in uniform motion with respect to
an observer differ from those measured when the source is stationary.
In general, it is irrelevant whether the source is stationary and
the observer in motion or vice versa; the observed characteristics
depend only on the relative motion. Published in Optics
& Photonics News, April 2002.
Optics of Semiconductor Diode Lasers
by Masud Mansuripur and Ewan M. Wright: In this article we describe
the basic features of the beam of
light emitted by a diode laser, and discuss methods to analyze and
manipulate this beam. Published in Optics
& Photonics News, July 2002.
of Light with Subwavelength Structures
Masud Mansuripur, Armis R. Zakharian, and Jerome V. Moloney: When
a light field interacts with structures that have complex geometric
features comparable in size to the wavelength of the light, it is
not permissible to invoke the assumptions of the classical diffraction
theory, which simplify the problem and allow for approximate solutions.
For such cases, direct numerical solutions of the governing equations
are sought through approximating the continuous time and space derivatives
by the appropriate difference operators. Published in Optics &
Photonics News, March 2003.
- Transmission
of Light Through Small Elliptical Apertures,
by Masud Mansuripur,
Armis R. Zakharian, and Jerome V. Moloney: The apertures of classical
optics simply block those parts of an incident wavefront that fall
outside the aperture, allowing everything else to go through intact.
Moreover, multiple apertures act upon an incident beam independently
of each other, polarization effects are usually negligible (i.e.,
scalar diffraction), and it is not necessary to keep track of both
the electric- and the magnetic-field components of the beam. Published
in Optics & Photonics News, March, April 2004.

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